Membership Info

Applying for Membership

One of Masonry’s customs is not to solicit members; men must seek membership on their own through a Mason they know or a local lodge. You will often hear Freemasons state the aphorism, “To be one, ask one.” If you would like to one day call yourself a Mason, your first step is to talk one of us.

California Masonic membership is open to men age 18 or older who meet the qualifications and standards of good character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being. Men of all ethnic and religious backgrounds are welcome.

Ideally you should visit Natoma Lodge and join the Brothers for dinner before their Stated Meeting for some time.

A Mason who recommends you for membership will assist with completing and submitting the application. After submitting the application, you will be interviewed by members of the lodge you wish to join so they can learn more about you and you can learn more about Freemasonry. If the interview is favorable, your application is presented to the lodge for a vote. If the vote is affirmative, you receive the Entered Apprentice degree - the first degree of Freemasonry. When you advance through the next two degrees, you will become a Master Mason and a full member of the fraternity.

About Our Members

With more than 50,000 members statewide, our fraternity represents the entire spectrum of Californians. Admission to our lodges is open to men of good character and faith, regardless of their race, color, religious beliefs, political views, sexual orientation, physical ability, citizenship or national origin.

Some California lodges have work in English, Spanish, French, and Armenian. Through this universal brotherhood, Masons learn to be better husbands, better fathers, better brothers, and better citizens. By appreciating our differences, we learn to focus on what unites mankind.

Thus, the discussion of religion, politics, and business is not permitted in our lodges. In this way we live up to the centuries-old aim of our fraternity - to unite men of every country, sect, and opinion and cause true friendship among those who otherwise would have remained at a distance.

Membership in California Masonry is growing and getting younger. The fastest growing segment of our membership is 18-30 year olds. About 2,000 men are initiated each year.